ft: “Straighten your back, strengthen your pelvis.” ♫


Singing and Dancing to the “You and I Exercise Dance”

[00:01.00] 골반통증 STOP! Low Back Pain, STOP! [00:03.50] 너두 나두 맞춤운동 시작! You and I, start the exercise! [00:08.00] 너두 나두 허리 골반 맞춤 운동 FIT You and I, lower back specific exercise [is a fit.] [00:11.50] 허리 골반 튼튼 하게 맞춤 운동 FIT Strengthen pelvic region with a specific exercise [that fits.] [00:15.50] 열일 하다 잠깐 휴식 맞춤 운동 FIT Take a break during the long workday to exercise [and be fit.] [00:18.50] 너두 나두 맞춤 맞춤 맞춤 운동 FIT You and I, gotta gotta exercise [to stay fit.] [00:22.50] 맞춤 맞춤 허리 골반 맞춤 운동 FIT A custom-tailored lower back exercise [is the way to fit.] [00:26.00] 허리도 강화해 골반 튼튼하게 Straighten your back, strengthen your pelvis. [00:30.00] 너두 나두 우리 함께 맞춤 운동 FIT Together, you and I [stay fit with this] special exercise.


Because the lyrics read like a jingle, a loose translation was formed from an initial impression of the accompanying video and a general knowledge of the health benefits of exercise.

For fun, a remix of the dance exercise was tweeted.

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