re: “Homemade Crispy Popcorn Chicken with Kimchi Mayo”


Labeling a Crossposted Recipe to r/Korea

After crossposting a recipe to the Korea subreddit, a notification was received:

This is a friendly reminder that this community's moderators have asked for all posts to have a post flair (a relevant tag or category).

Here is a list of the suggested post flairs. The complete list is in alphabetical order and contains an additional 13 options. Links were added to the Hangeul below that point to a corresponding Hanja Dictionary entry. Clicking on the translated name (in English) opens a Google site search for the category.

Post Flair Name (in English)
사회 Society
이민 Immigration
생활 Life
군사 Military
문화 Culture
여행 Travel
도시풍경 Cityscape
역사 History
정치 Politics
레저 Leisure
금융 Finance
경제 Economy
과학 Science
개인 Personal
부고 Obituary
고용 Employment
교육 Education
시장 WhereToBuy
스포츠 Sports
음식 Food
경관 Landscape
범죄 Crime
예술품 Artwork
유머 Humor
취미 Hobby
건강 Health
교역 Trade
자연 Nature


Hanja Dictionary entries were archived.

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