After crossposting a recipe to the Korea subreddit, a notification was received:
This is a friendly reminder that this community's moderators have asked for all posts to have a post flair (a relevant tag or category).
Here is a list of the suggested post flairs. The complete list is in alphabetical order and contains an additional 13 options. Links were added to the Hangeul below that point to a corresponding Hanja Dictionary entry. Clicking on the translated name (in English) opens a Google site search for the category.
Post Flair Name | (in English) |
사회 | Society |
이민 | Immigration |
생활 | Life |
군사 | Military |
문화 | Culture |
여행 | Travel |
도시풍경 | Cityscape |
법 | Law |
역사 | History |
정치 | Politics |
레저 | Leisure |
금융 | Finance |
경제 | Economy |
과학 | Science |
개인 | Personal |
부고 | Obituary |
고용 | Employment |
교육 | Education |
시장 | WhereToBuy |
스포츠 | Sports |
음식 | Food |
경관 | Landscape |
범죄 | Crime |
예술품 | Artwork |
유머 | Humor |
취미 | Hobby |
건강 | Health |
교역 | Trade |
자연 | Nature |
Hanja Dictionary entries were archived.